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Lost Songs The Runes -
        "Lost Songs"

   Total Time: 55:31
   Cost: $8.98

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1. Back To The
2. Ugliness
3. World Of Birds
4. Island Bed
5. What A Fool
6. Married To
    Mary Jane
7. Doin' The
8. Big Texas Sky
9. On Fire For You
10. Tragedy
11. Little Shitty
12. Just Around
      The Corner
13. Back To The
     Wild (Acoustic)
     This Austin, TX. quintet boasts influences ranging from the Beatles to Loudon Wainwright III, and it shows. Using artistic styles of melodic pop, straight ahead rock, salsa/reggae, and acoustic balladry, The Runes take their virtual cornucopia of instruments (too numerous to list) and expertly construct various musical backgrounds for intelligent, witty, thought provoking, and sometimes humorous lyrics...    Full Review                                   View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout

One Hit Wonder WOW -
  "One Hit Wonder"

Total Time: 43:03
Cost: $9.98

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1. Jennifer
2. Big Man
3. One Hit Wonder
4. Insomnia
5. Since You Told
    Me Goodbye

6. Social Climber

7. Master Bates
8. My Life Has
    Been Censored
9. Six
10. The Ocean
11. Prisoner Of
      The Heart
12. Mind Tricks
     WOW has produced a pop disc that is rooted in the past, yet flourishes in the present. These "Classic" pop tunes would be right at home on any of the early Who ("Insomnia") and Kinks ("Social Climber") records. Did someone say The Standells? ("Jennifer"), and it doesn't stop there, you get 12 tracks that ask you; Is this '60s pop for '90s people?, or '90s pop for '60s people? You decide...     Full Review                                      View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout

          *Photo by Katryn Talyor.
Dan Bacon -
  "Cry"  1997
  Total Time: 30:08
  Cost: $7.98 

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    1. Cry
    2. Count On Me
    3. Run
    4. She's Got A Reason
    5. Beijing
    6. Lady In Waiting
    7. Rebecca
     Dan Bacon gives us "Cry". A mini-LP (Our designation- remember them?) of "Classic" Guitar Rock with a definite modern styling. Refreshing and uplifting, every track off this 7 song disc captures a different element of straight out guitar rock....
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EP RAW Kinder -
"EP"  1998
  Total Time: 23:36
  Cost: $9.98

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       1. Dreamin'
       2. You
       3. Become
       4. Realization
       5. Damp
     ...How wild that these songs could sound completely different at first, but upon continued listens they showed themselves to have that same eerie, seductive charm wrapped in layers and layers of musical subterfuge that only heighten the sensibilities of the ears and mind...
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Heavyweight Joe Whyte -

   Total Time: 45:48
   Cost: $9.98

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1. here it comes
2. universe
3. relay the news
4. bigger than us
5. in my mind
6. together
7. life support
8. understanding
9. overrated
10. so obscene
11. forbidden


  I can not put an accurate finger on this disc. The appeal is broad and far reaching. Many elements shine. Musical structures and influences abound. I find words difficult to describe the feelings created while listening to this disc, not an easy thing to admit for someone who needs/uses words to get the message of the music across to others. Yet, the power and draw of this disc is something that can not go unheeded. Full Review                         View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout

Precious Ground Kieran McCarthy -
   "Precious Ground"

   Total Time: 40:49
   Cost: $10.98
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1. Precious
2. Desperate Days
3. With You In
     Byron Bay

4. Lucky
5. Rebels Ride
6. 10,000 Feet
    Over Nowhere
7. Call Of The
8. Runaway Ride
9. Wrecked Again
10. Head To
11. Old Man


   This downunder blue collar, beach bum, history teacher, singer-songwriting artist uses the talent of words and music as an outline. Kieran then allows us to fill in the colors of this portrait, allows our pallets to blend with his as he teaches us how “carefree” can be painted with pain, sorrow, and ache, as well as joy, love, and fun.
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Last Revised: October 14, 2000.