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Issues #1,#2,#3,
& Dec.'98 Sup.

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ISSUE #1                                                               September '98

    We launch IndepenDisc with an homage to its Father. It was "Burner", a compilation disc released by Home Office Records, that gave birth to IndepenDisc.
    Shortly after purchasing "Burner" in May of '97, I reviewed it on-line and called it "The first truly significant off-the-beaten-path, great music that I've uncovered in a while". I stick by that statement today, for it was/is the first in a list, that will continue each month here at IndepenDisc.
    With "Burner" you get 5 Artists, 14 tracks, and 70 minutes of genre crossing music that can only be described, on a whole, as an alternative to alternative. The disc features two Home Office Artists, Pawnshop and RAW Kinder;
    Pull up a stool, quaff an ale, and jam along with the edgy Folk Rock/Pub Rock of Pawnshop. Dig their masterful mix of acoustic and electric guitars ("Words", "Wild Rose"). Enjoy the fact that the vocals are successfully blended with the musical arrangements ("Trip", "Strange"), and continue to tap along as we await their first full CD release on HO Records in the near future.
    RAW Kinder, who have just released their own EP on HO Records (Which is available now at the HO web site [see our Links page] and is available here), is "Burner's" head trip. With songs that string you along ("Songhead", "Back To The Lemon Garden") growing slowly bolder, threatening to blow wide open, but teasing you ever a bit more, sprawling into a musical odyssey that keeps you at the edge. Combined with vocals by Renee Annabel Wilson (The female equivalent of Jim Morrison- No kidding!) it is both haunting and beautiful all at once. RAW Kinder continues to cruise along ("Wishin'", "Strange Bird [Live]") with this spacey, trippy, mind expanding element that allows your senses to come alive with the subtle rawness invoked by the perfect infusion of "mellow" soaring guitar and keyboards plus vocals so expressive that they become an instrument of their own.
    The rest of "Burner" features 3 Guest Artists;
    "bluecowboys", who open the disc with 3 tracks, draw from Jazzy, Lounge Rock with the sexy, smoky purr of Erika Wilson's vocals ("Skin", "Chalice Of Love"), that simply wrap their way around the music and your ears.
    Rob Schimmer, offers 2 Jazz tracks that separates the disc's Artists/moods successfully. "Loose Change", (with his Trio), is very reminiscent of early 60s Dave Brubeck. "East Village Hoedown", (solo), presents itself to me as a wild rag land style romp through a jazz impressionists view of TV's Saturday morning animated music.
    Finally Mark Stewart wraps things up with the disc's Postmodern guitar composition "Trummings (Live)".

Home Office Records-"Burner" CD is $9.98 +s/h and available now.

    If "Burner" is IndepenDisc's Father, Then Bulldog Records recording Artist "Charlie Burton" is our Uncle. Charlie, a critic for Rolling Stone in the early '70s, began recording Punk/Rockabilly in '77 and never looked back. 20 years of different bands and musicians, a cult following, and unwarranted overlooking by the industry haven't stopped Charlie from continuously writing, recording, and releasing material. "Rustic Fixer-Upper" is the latest CD with his band "The Texas Twelve Steppers". This 14 track disc is full of Twangy, Country-Fried Rock/ Rockabilly/ Honky Tonk stylings, with some of the best damn guitar pickin' ("Resume`", "On More Than One Occasion") I've heard in years. Add to that the 'Heat-of-summer, hangin'-out-of-the-pickup, at-the-local-Bar & Grill' sound, plus the slightly comical, wry, witty lyrics ("She's Out Of My Hair (But Not Out Of My Mind)", The Things I Wished I'd Said (To You)", etc.), and a good time will be had by all.

    "Charlie Burton and The Texas Twelve Steppers" - "Rustic Fixer-Upper" CD is available for $9.98 + s/h.

    We now come to this months Featured "Now Playing/Must Hear" Selections.

    First up is "Jessica's Attic" and their CD "Disclaimer".

    Every now and then something hits you when you least expect it. Gothic/Deep Space/Dance/Spoken Word is how Jessica's Attic describes themselves. I personally do not care for any of those genres, To me this is 'Future Rock'. While the pundits will discuss and argue forever about the future of 21st century Rock, Jessica's Attic is making tomorrow's Rock today.
    Starting with a space induced electronica backbeat, adding vintage Talking Heads "Remain In Light" style tribal rhythms, and using spoken word vocals (both male and female) to offset the balance, Jessica's Attic takes you on a journey whose only boundaries are that of your own self consciousness. Then, just as the nature of the rhythm becomes familiar, from out of nowhere comes the slicing and shredding of a guitar god whose manic assaults magically float along the top of the solid rhythm and backbeat. By the time you recover from the "early Pink Floyd/David Gilmore" flashback, you realize that you are on the road to Future Rock.
    Be forewarned; This road, like most others, has its highs- "This The Force", the powerful, hypnotic opener, "She Said", a jammin' space dance, "No Mothers Son", Rick James doing Rave- and its lows- "Serpent", too sinister, "Abbey", too s-l-o-w. But like the individual songs that take off just past the half way marks, it is the final 3 song cycle that firmly entrances you. "Isle Of Dreams", "Angry Man", and "As Close To Heaven" can only be described as a mystical excursion that transcends the time and space of music. It launches you into a semi-catatonic yet peaceful state of being and imagination. As you reach for the repeat key on these 3 songs you'll wonder what it is.

    It's Future Rock, It's "Jessica's Attic" - "Disclaimer", and it's available for $9.98 + s/h.

    For those of you who like your Rock "Straight up/Smash mouth" style, our second "Now Playing/Must Hear" Feature band for September is Emil Muzz. Hailing from Illinois with the CD "Superprimered" this Punk influenced, Grunge without the slacker mentality, Garage attitude of a Kick-Ass Rock 'N' Roll band pulls no punches. Right from the opening of "Grip 17" where vocalist Gina Crosley screams "It's OK" you know that it is, and as long as you're slammin', moshin', or head bangin', this full frontal assault on your senses will have you cranking every time you slap it on. Yet, for all its force, the band shows their technical instrumental skills, as well as Ginas vocal range; from full fledged punk screams accompanied by grinding guitars, fuzz-toned feedback, and gonzo drumming, right down to beautiful harmonic altos showcased by gentle complimentary chords (Form Devastator). Emil Muzz rocks with drenching guitars and drenching vocals, slightly hiding lyrics drenched in social consciousness ("I'm not one of them/I'm not one of them/I'm not so sure" - from Polaris Mine). They skate along Monster Rock territory ("Radium", "Missile", "Brownout") and show that even under the hard shell of their attacking guitars there lies a soft spot ("Lurge", "Choo Toy", Luv Lover").

    Powerful! "Emil Muzz" is "Superprimered" Indeed.
    Available for $8.98 + s/h.

    The Cover Graphics, Track Listings, Sound Clips, and Ordering Information for the Artists and their music profiled here, can be found on the Catalogue page of this web site.

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        Issue #2                                                                       October '98

    Greetings once again, and Welcome to October.

    We'd like to start off Issue #2 by Thanking the following:

    Home Office Records, and their artists RAW Kinder & Pawnshop,
    Bulldog Records, with Charlie Burton and The Texas Twelve Steppers,
    Jessica's Attic, & Emil Muzz.

    These wonderful people helped us to launch IndepenDisc last month to a favorable reception. Their kindness and music will always be in our hearts, in our ears, and on the Catalogue page of this IndepenDisc web site.  
Check them out! Remember, Turn off your radio and turn on your soul.

    Country music has never been that appealing to me. Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Costello (his country stuff) are about as far as my taste in Country music goes. When I put on Beth Profitt "Heart For A Heart" it was her voice that had me adding a name to the afore mentioned list. Beth's vocals are beautiful, and suit the music perfectly. The musicians compromising the band are wonderful. They are very tight, able to work the songs to compliment Ms. Profitt's vocals, not over shadow, drown out, or distract from, which is the key to this disc. The song lyrics are very concise, a bit cliched at times; heartbreak (Night By Night), jealousy (She's Getting To You), chanced love (Dance With A Stranger), scorned love (If You Were Me) - Which, in my unschooled country personal opinion, goes along with the genre. It works within these guidelines due to the overall craftsmanship and quality exhibited here.
    The first single "You Drive Me So Close To Crazy" went #1 on the Airplay International Independent Charts. "She's Getting To You" reached #7 on the same chart and helped Beth to win the 1997 "International Female Rising Star" award at the Airplay International King Eagle Awards in Nashville, TN.
    Forget the current Country Divas,

    Listen to "Beth Profitt" - "Heart For A Heart". Available now on CD for $9.98 + s/h
and Cassette for $5.98 + s/h.

    Our "Up & Coming" selection this month presents us with a 5 song EP disc that is Midway between the Beatles and the Band. Midway between Dave Edmonds and Son Volt. Midway between '60s pop and '70s New Wave. Midway between '70s southern rock and '90s southern rock. Midway..... Yes, it's "Midway", with the EP "Poole Hall Sessions". A hook laden, jangle guitar pop fest, that's sure to have you bopping along.
    "Midway" consists of John Haramis (guitar/vocals), Andrew Woltman (guitar/vocals), and Ben Liptak (bass/vocals), with Terry Willis sitting in on drums. Based out of Blacksburg, VA. they show that they have studied and perfected the craft of writing and performing good solid sensible pop tunes that glide along a parallel plane of easy listening southern inspired roots rock. Every song here is a potential single that you will subconsciously be humming at any given moment.
    The disc begins with the up tempo "Anne Marie" filled with Beatlesque harmonies and backing riffs, and it ends with the rockin' New Wave blast of "Get Out Of My Way" using a jangle of guitars that would make Tom Petty envious. The other 3 songs shift slightly in other directions, with the somber "Stay With Me" pleading its way into your heart through a guitar lead that drips of human emotion.
    Overall an uplifting and refreshing set of music.

    "Midway" - "Poole Hall Sessions" is available for $5.98 + s/h.

    As always the Cover Graphics, Track Listings, Sound Clips, and Ordering Information for the Artists and their music profiled here, can be found on the Catalogue page of this web site at.

    Nothing here of interest to you? Perhaps another one of the artists featured on our web site would be appealing. At any rate, we'll be back on your screen Nov. 15th with Issue #3. Our special "Holiday Double Issue" featuring 5 more Artists bucking the MOR tragedy that is Corporate Rock 'N' Radio.

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  Issue #3                                                 Nov./Dec. '98

    Here it is! The BIG Nov./Dec. "Holiday" Double Issue that you've been waiting for. IndepenDisc is proud to present this guide for all your musical gift giving needs. Can't decide what sounds to get for your family and friends? Look no further, IndepenDisc has you covered.
    Start with last month's Artists;
    The glorious Country vocals of "Beth Profitt", and the Jangley guitar Rock of "Midway" can all be found at: Catalogue02.htm and then check out the Alternative/Jazz/Post Modern offerings of the Home Office Records compilation disc "Burner", the Country-Fried Rock of Bulldog Records artist "Charlie Burton & The Texas Twelve Steppers", the (Goth/Space/Dance) Future Rock of "Jessica's Attic", and the Punk/Grunge/Garage Rock of "Emil Muzz", all located at Catalogue01.htm

    Now for this months Features:

    For the "hard-to-please" on your shopping list, we offer up The Runes CD "Lost Songs". A disc with something for everyone.
    This Austin, TX. quintet boasts influences ranging from the Beatles to Loudon Wainwright III, and it shows. Using artistic styles of melodic pop, straight ahead rock, salsa/reggae, and acoustic balladry, The Runes take their virtual cornucopia of instruments (too numerous to list) and expertly construct various musical backgrounds for intelligent, witty, thought provoking, and sometimes humorous lyrics. Lyrics that provide commentary on topical issues such as; commercialism ("can't take another 30 second spot") in "Back To The Wild", the effect of society on youth ("He packs his gun inside his bookbag, then he hits the road for school") in "What A Fool", getting high in "Married To Mary Jane", as well as poking fun of the aging musician/music industry in "Tragedy", and finally, how they can even get you to sing along to their catchy "Little Shitty Tune". There is plenty here to justify finding these "Lost Songs".

    The Runes "Lost Songs" CD is available now for $8.98 + s/h.

    What do you get when you take 3 students of '60s British Invasion Pop, put them in the studio writing and honing their craft, and then set them loose?
    You get WOW with their disc "One Hit Wonder".
    Aiming to avoid the pitfall of the title WOW stocked this disc with enough "One Hits" to overcome any wonder. WOW has produced a pop disc that is rooted in the past, yet flourishes in the present. These "Classic" pop tunes would be right at home on any of the early Who ("Insomnia") and Kinks ("Social Climber") records. Did someone say The Standells? ("Jennifer"), and it doesn't stop there, you get 12 tracks that ask you; Is this '60s pop for '90s people?, or '90s pop for '60s people? You decide.
    WOW's single "Since You Told Me Goodbye", released on the internet, went to #10 on's most requested list. A glimpse of success? As far as the band is concerned, I think they sum it up nicely in the final verse of the disc's title track, when they sing; "Heavy rotation on MTV, Opening slot for STP, Solid gold record gonna shine bright for me, Kiss of death, "Best New Artist" nominee." Nice job guys.

    The CD "One Hit Wonder" by WOW is now available for $9.98 + s/h.

    This months "Up & Coming" section spotlights two very different, yet similar, Artists.

    Dan Bacon gives us "Cry". A mini-LP (Our designation- remember them?) of "Classic" Guitar Rock with a definite modern styling. Refreshing and uplifting, every track off this 7 song disc captures a different element of straight out guitar rock.
    With Dan busy writing, singing, playing keyboards and rhythm guitar, he has handed the duties of lead guitar to Randy Akins. It's the Bacon/Akins team that draws you in. Confident and content enough to let Randy run with the lead (listen to "Run"), Bacon has constructed music that benefits from the power of Akins ability to make his guitar Wail. Very reminiscent of the Ian Hunter/Mick Ronson post-Mott The Hoople team, these guys just let 'em rip without care or cause of center stage. I could go out on a limb and cite influences as deep as, early Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple, Queen, Rick Derringer, and a slew of other mid-70s guitar bands, but that would not do "Cry" the justice it deserves, so as I strap on my "Air Guitar" for another listen, I'll just say that this is a good solid guitar rock record.

    Dan Bacon "Cry" is available on CD for $7.98 + s/h.

    When we last heard RAW Kinder (on the HO Records compilation "Burner" [Reviewed in Issue #1] ), we were hailing them as a cross between Mazzy Star and the Doors; hauntingly beautiful. A head trip of spacey, mind expanding music that uses lead singer Renee Annabel Wilson's vocals as a dominant instrument.
    Now Home Office Records brings us "EP" the first RAW Kinder release. I must admit, at first I was a bit thrown off, this sounded nothing like the songs off "Burner", but the more I listened, the more I made the connection. How wild that these songs could sound completely different at first, but upon continued listens they showed themselves to have that same eerie, seductive charm wrapped in layers and layers of musical subterfuge that only heighten the sensibilities of the ears and mind.

    "EP" by RAW Kinder is $9.98 + s/h.

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December Supplement                                           Dec. '98

    " retro..." by the badge is aptly named. Extracting everything that is good from Rock 'n' Roll's vinyl days (retro) and updating it to the (digital) present, the badge has succeeded where many have paled in comparison. They have taken all that was taught to us by the Beatles, studied it, learned it, then after acing the exam, went into the studio and used that knowledge to create " retro...". This is the album that the Beatles would've progressed to making had they remained together. In fact, the production is so polished you'd swear George Martin was behind the boards.
    Starting with a voice announcing "Now, for those of you watching in black and white, this one is in Technicolor", you are quickly absorbed by the opening riffs of "Watching Rainbows" as they leap out of your speakers, followed by infectious drums and vocals, you're hooked before the perfect harmonies kick in. Even though the terrain is familiar, you know you're not in Kansas anymore. the badge proclaims at the end of the track that, they're "Waiting for a sign that everything's OK" and then they take you along to find it.
    What follows is a 10 song journey over that rainbow into a land where Rock 'n' Roll is represented in all its forms. The orchestrations of strings and horns on "Mr. Destiny" and "Guthrie Palace" are rooted solidly in the production technique evolved from the "Sgt. Pepper" sessions. The cover of Badfinger's "No Matter" (a far superior, yet faithful rendition) continues to showcase the bands mastering of old school rock. You can hear a healthy dose of the Young Rascals, the Lovin' Spoonful, and the Spencer Davis Group sprinkled throughout. Not forgetting to mention that when the badge straight out rocks, you'll find the shadows of Deep Purple, Grand Funk Railroad, Mountain, and even Dwight Twilley lurking about.
    The disc closes with the epic "Unfinished Business" chronicling the end-state of a relationship. As far as we here at IndepenDisc are concerned, it's our hopes that this title was chosen as the closer in order to subliminally let us know that there is a lot more music to come. And, as the simulated needle tracks through the end grooves to reveal a "hidden" slice of tape loop, we realize that we have our "sign that everything's OK".

    the badge retro... it's a killer, and it's available now for $9.98 +s/h.

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Last Revised: October 8, 2000.