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        We recently received the following notice from our broadcast server host, live365.com:

>>> Starting on November 1, pre-roll advertisements will begin on all stations on the Live365 service. When one of your listeners launches your stream, a short ad will be inserted just before the stream kicks in. Later in November, we'll be serving in-stream ads in addition.
    These two add-in services will allow us to continue providing you with the free tools, bandwidth, and server space to reach your global audience.
    What does this mean for you? We are developing a revenue-sharing plan for all broadcasters with in-stream ads. Based on the number of unique impressions, you will receive a percentage of the income generated. Basically, the more listeners you have and the longer they listen, the more you gain. 
    For those who don't want participate with revenue sharing, we're also developing parameters of an opt-out plan. Although this will involve a fee based on your listener numbers, you will be able to maintain your stream commercial-free. <<<

    We at IndepenDisc are totally against this. And, as a result will stop broadcasting Radio IndepenDisc at Midnight on Oct. 31st. When stated that Radio IndepenDisc "will contain NO revenue causing advertising" we meant it, and stand by it. We also understand the course of action taken by live365.com in order to continue providing their free services, but IndepenDisc is not willing to pay for the right to broadcast advertisement free.

    IndepenDisc will begin looking for an alternative server so that we may return to broadcasting all the great Independent music found here, and DJ G.Gone, to the airwaves of the Internet as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, we are returning to the "Song of the Week" feature. Beginning Monday November 13th every member of the IndepenDisc Music Club Mailing List will receive the URL for a streaming RealAudio song from the IndepenDisc Catalogue to start their week off on the right (musical) note! (You'll also find the link on our Home Page).

Click on the button Click here to listen now! and start listening to IndepenDisc's own netcast.

Radio IndepenDisc will play through a streaming mp3 format. What? You do not have the proper plugin to play streaming mp3 files?
Well then...Click here --> FREE Winamp Download  or here -->  FREE RA Jukebox Download and download the FREE player plugin of your choice. That's OK, we'll wait..............

What is Radio IndepenDisc?
Radio IndepenDisc is the newest way that we here at IndepenDisc are trying to bring independent music to you.
    It's a netcast using  Powered By
  Live365.com  as our server.

    Each week our DJ, G.Gone programs 3 hours or so of music using songs from the Artists (and their discs) found on these pages. There will be 2 Featured "Artists of the Week" each week where DJ G.Gone will play 3 or 4 songs from each Featured Artist within the broadcast. There will be NO advertisements, and the rest of the broadcast will be filled out with songs from other Artists as well as approx. 1 hour of music by underappreciated, overlooked, and underexposed "Signed" Artists (as well as some "personal favorites").

What is NP?
ow Playing: In an effort to let you know what songs you can hear on Radio IndepenDisc during any given week, we've taken the music mailing list lingo and are using it to signify which songs are playing on the current week's program. Take note however, that right now we are only using the NP designation on the Sounds section of our Home page, and not on the Catalogue pages (we may implement that in the near future). You should also note that just because a certain artist does not have a NP next to one of their songs, that doesn't necessarily mean they are not represented, it just may be that DJ G.Gone has chose another song (one which is not in our "Sounds" section) to play by that Artist (we've given him free range).

How come all the IndepenDisc Artists are not represented in the broadcasts?
IndepenDisc only uses songs by Artists that have given us written permission to do so. Each artist writes out a specific release form for the encoding and broadcasting of their songs. This release give IndepenDisc permission to encode into .mp3 format ONLY the songs stated. It also sets limits on the number of songs allowed within any single broadcast. IndepenDisc does not use any songs from artists who have not provided the written permission/release.

You mean IndepenDisc has secured written permission from "signed" bands as well?
No. But that’s OK according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the "DMCA"). Click on the link to read all about it, if you are so inclined (requires Adobe Acrobat plug-in).

What is the format?
As stated above we give DJ G.Gone free range, but there are a few guidelines.
    1) It's almost all IndepenDisc music, almost every song you hear on Radio IndepenDisc you will find on these pages.
    2) There is no tight time limitation. It's a 3 hour or so program that loops back on itself. Wherever you come in during the broadcast and begin listening, at some time you will return to that point. live365.com just keeps the program streaming 24/7, so anytime you want to listen it's there for your enjoyment.
    3) Each program will run for one week. Every Monday a new program will be broadcast with a new "Artist of the Week" feature.
    4) There are NO and will NEVER be any revenue causing commercials/advertisements on any Radio IndepenDisc broadcast (we may give a shout out here and there, but it will be strictly as a service to our listeners and not through obligations of any sort).
    5) There is no #5 right now, but I'm sure we'll remember something, check back...

Is there a way to find out who the Feature "Artist of the Week" will be?
Yes. Either Sign-Up for our mailing list, we send you a weekly notice along with the monthly 'Zine. This mailing list is an announce only list and very low volume. Or, bookmark and check our Home page, where we will always be prominently displaying the Radio IndepenDisc Feature "Artist of the Week".

How do you contact Radio IndepenDisc and/or DJ G.Gone?
Want to request a certain song by a certain artist? Want to hear more from a particular artist/disc?
Have a suggestion? compliant? Need info?
    Click here to write both Radio IndepenDisc and/or DJ G.Gone:
             radioi@juno.com    or  

We'll add to this page as we go along. We'll answer your questions and listen to your suggestions.
We want to help free you from the mire of Corporate Rock 'n' Radio, and we hope that this is one more step in that direction. Please write us and tell us how we can service you more through the IndepenDisc Music Club & Radio IndepenDisc.

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gmv. contact: webmaster@www.independisc.com
Copyright © 1998 IndepenDisc. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: December 10, 2000.