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Heart For A Heart Beth Profitt - 1996
"Heart For A Heart"

Total Time: 32:50
CD Cost: $9.98
Click to order Cassette Cost: $5.98
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1. Night By Night
2. If You Were Me
3. Nursery Rhymes
4. You Drive Me
    So Close To
5. Some Assembly
6. She's Getting To
7. Tell Me, Tell Me
8. Dance With A
9. Since I've Been
10. Heart For A
    Country music has never been that appealing to me. Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Costello (his country stuff) are about as far as my taste in Country music goes. When I put on Beth Profitt "Heart For A Heart" it was her voice that had me adding a name to the afore mentioned list. Beth's vocals are beautiful, and suit the music perfectly...
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Poole Hall Sessions    Midway -
         "Poole Hall Sessions"

   Total Time: 21:06
   Cost: $5.98 

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1. Anne Marie
2. Easier To Lie
3. Closer To Twenty-Five
4. Stay With Me
5. Get Out Of My Way
    Our "Up & Coming" selection this month presents us with a 5 song EP disc that is Midway between the Beatles and the Band. Midway between Dave Edmonds and Son Volt. Midway between '60s pop and '70s New Wave. Midway between '70s southern rock and '90s southern rock. Midway...Yes, it's "Midway", with the EP "Poole Hall Sessions". A hook laden, jangle...
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...digital retro... the badge -
   "...digital retro..."

  Total Time: 42:18
  Cost: $9.98

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1. Watching

2. Mr. Destiny
3. Guthrie Palace
4. No Matter
5. Comes A
    Broken Heart
6. Soulmate
7. Love Is Gone
8. My Dolly
9. What I Want
10. Unfinished
    "...digital retro..." by the badge is aptly named. Extracting everything that is good from Rock 'n' Roll's vinyl days (retro) and updating it to the (digital) present, the badge has succeeded where many have paled in comparison. They have taken all that was taught to us by the Beatles, studied it, learned it, then after acing the exam, went into the studio and used that knowledge to create "...digital retro..."...   Full Review                                 View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout

Three Brass Balls Pawnshop -
"     1998

  Total Time: 47:09
  Cost: $10.98

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1. Wild Rose
2. Jet Stream
3. Who's To
4. Words
5. Reality
6. Trip
7. Strange

8. Don't Dig
9. Temptation
10. Measure
11. Hole In My
12. Stumblin' Fool
    Some where between Folk Rock and Pop there lies Pub Rock, a laid back acoustic sound with an electric bite. This is Pawnshop's stamping ground. The mix of acoustic and electric guitars is masterful. The high energy sound that cruises along with the right amount of reserve seems to draw influence from Waterboys/Black 47 Irish Rock style arrangements...
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television secretsunday  -

Total Time: 58:07
Cost $9.98

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1. the tristero
2. safe
3. transmission
4. caught in a room
5. servo king
6. high

7. isabella
8. chinese star
9. foster child
10. fed
11. into the light
    ..a psychotic subliminal manifestation that I'm probably reading TOO much into and getting twice TOO much out of, but that's the whole joy of this disc. It takes the listener on an odyssey of their own, allowing the individual to reach into the depths of their subconscious and let the music create an image that is unique to each in their own way..
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Uncle Carl "Uncle Carl" -
Total Time: 40:36
Cost: $10.98

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1. I'm Smokin'
2. Barber Shop
3. No One To Hold
4. Peek-A-Boo
5. Big Daddy
6. I'm Too Tired
7. Daffodil
8. Old Man
9. God Has
10. Holdin' My
      Baby's Hand
  Using a smoked ravaged mellow vocal that draws visions of beret wearing, cool cat, "shoobie de wah wah", goatee'd beat poets (Uncle)Carl sings tales of loneliness and heartbreak ("I'm Smokin' Again", "No One To Hold", "Holdin' My Baby's Hand") against the backing of a band who play with such dripping emotion and passion that it slices through your conscious and reaches the places inside of you that are only acknowledged with great reluctance, let alone revealed. 
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Last Revised: October 14, 2000.