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     If you are a music fan who is fed up with the mediocrity that is the current state of Corporate Rock 'n' Radio. If you have an interest in artistic bands on overlooked Independent labels, but do not have the time to search and find them on your own. Then Sign Up Now to become a member of the IndepenDisc Music Club. It is FREE, and there are NO purchase OBLIGATIONS! Come, Expand your musical horizon.


    Our commitment to our members is that we are your ears. We take the time out of your search for NEW, EXCITING, and WORTHWHILE music. We look for that 'Diamond in the rough' and when we find it, we turn you on to it.


    About once a month, we will (E)Mail our members the *FREE* IndepenDisc Music Club 'Zine. Which will feature Indie music that is available for purchase through the IndepenDisc Music Club ( No Obligations!). Music that the IndepenDisc staff has personally searched out, tracked down, listened to, enjoyed, and feels confident recommending to our members. The IndepenDisc Music Club 'Zine will present at least a Disc a month as our "Feature" selection, which we will preview and review. Also every so often we will "Showcase" an Indie Label and the releases from their catalogue that we feel deserve more recognition. Plus we will dedicate an "Up & Coming" space for Bands who currently have only produced limited track tapes or EP's.


    The IndepenDisc Music Club recognizes genres of music when attributing influences and basic musical imagery, But we do not hold it as a prerequisite to the types of music we will try to present. Our basic requirement is that it artistically (not bound in any way, shape, or form) moves us. Whether that be directly, or indirectly related to the Rock/Folk/Jazz/Swing/Classical/etc.,etc. stylings of the Guitar/Piano/Violin/Drum/Organ/Harp/etc., etc. accompanied by the Heartfelt/Off The Wall/Deep Meaning/Comical/etc., etc. lyrics sung by a Gravely throat/Smoky lounge/Punk scream/etc., etc. Vocalist/Instrumentalist.
(See the Tremens page for more like this).

Membership Benefits

    The IndepenDisc Music Club can not offer it's members, 11 for a penny, nor the Buy 1 get 2 Free type deals that are often associated with record clubs. What we are offering is everything that we have described on the pages of this site with fair and reasonable prices on the CD's and Tapes that are featured.

    The *FREE* IndepenDisc Music Club 'Zine will be delivered monthly (or so) directly to your PC. Profiling and promoting Independent music created by artists that deserve to be heard. Most of them being passed over by major labels, not for the quality of their art or the passion of their music, but for the more commercially accessible sounds that cater to the background of international sales campaigns.

    Not only do we want the IndepenDisc Music Club to be desirable for Bands and Labels to be represented here, but we want people to enjoy being members. When someone says to you; "Wow, that sounds great! Where did you find it?" We want you to be able to reply; "The IndepenDisc Music Club, of course."

    We want to supply Quality music with Quality service. We will not only go out of our way to search for the Bands, Labels, and Music, but also to satisfy our members.

    We will constantly try to; Offer up package deals, Host contests, Hold promotional give-aways (Free stuff!), and generally have a lot of fun as we attempt to introduce you to a wide variety of new sounds, and perhaps, even expand your musical horizons...

Questions? Comments?

Write to us at; 

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gmv. contact: webmaster@www.independisc.com
Copyright © 1998 IndepenDisc. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: October 14, 2000.