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    The IndepenDisc staff is constantly trying to find the Bands/Labels, Disc's/Tape's that will occupy our 'Zine and Catalogue pages for future issues. If you wish to join in on this exciting new counter attack to the corporate monopolized music industry, then all you have to do is send us a copy of your Disc/Tape. We will audition every Disc/Tape that we receive for possible inclusion in future issues.

    For consideration please mail a copy of your Disc/Tape along with a brief Bio of the Artist(s)/Label to:

    PO Box: 3918
    Woodbridge, CT
    USA         06525

    If you wish your Disc/Tape returned to you, please enclose $3.00 for shipping & handling, plus a return address. All submittals received without return address and postage will become the property of IndepenDisc.

    You will be notified within 8 weeks of our receipt, if we have chosen your Disc/Tape for representation. Only those chosen will be notified, at that time we will initiate procedures for purchase and resale of your product(s).

    Sincerely Yours,

    Gary Vollono

Still have questions? E-Mail us at:

    While you're at it, why don't you Sign Up Now to receive the IndepenDisc Music Club 'Zine. It will be a great resource as well as another option for fine new music.

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gmv. contact: webmaster@www.independisc.com
Copyright © 1998 IndepenDisc. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: October 2, 2000.