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Burner Burner - 1997   Home Office
Records, compilation.

Total Time: 70:33
Cost: $9.98

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1. Skin
2. Chalice Of  Love
3. Wolf
4. Loose Change
    Rob Schwimmer Trio
5. Words
6. Wild Rose
7. Trip
8. Strange

9. East Village Hoedown
    Rob Schwimmer
10. Songhead
11. Back To The Lemon
12. Wishin'
13. Strange Bird (live)
      RAW Kinder
13. Trummings (Live)
      Mark Stewart
     Shortly after purchasing "Burner" in May of '97, I reviewed it on-line and called it "The first truly significant off-the-beaten-path, great music that I've uncovered in a while". I stick by that statement today, for it was/is the first in a list, that will continue each month here at IndepenDisc...
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RusticFixer-Upper Charlie Burton &
The Texas Twelve
Steppers -
Rustic Fixer-Upper

Total Time: 43:15
Cost: $9.98

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1. She's Out Of My
    Hair (But Not Out Of
    My Mind)
2. On More Than One
3. I'm The Guy Who
    Let Miss Universe
    Slip Thru His
4. Rogue Cop
5. Dear Diary
6. Thin Ice/DeepWater
7. The Seeds That
    You Plant
8. The Things I
    Wished I'd Said
    (To You)
9. Livin' On Borrowed
    Time (Livin' On
    Borrowed Money)
10. Resume`
11. Words Don't Mean
12. Baby Let's Play
13. Embarrassment Of
14. On Call
     ..."Rustic Fixer-Upper" is the latest CD from Charlie Burton with his band "The Texas Twelve Steppers". This 14 track disc is full of Twangy, Country-Fried Rock/ Rockabilly/ Honky Tonk stylings, with some of the best damn guitar pickin' ("Resume`", "On More Than One Occasion") I've heard in years...
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One Man's Trash The Charlie Burton
  Story '77-'99  -
"One Man's Trash"

  Total Time: 73:08
  Cost: $ 9.98
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1. Rock & Roll
2. Guitar Case
3. Even As We Speak
4. Breathe For Me,
5. Rabies Shot
6. Garage Sale
7. I, 4, 1, Don't Care
8. Succubus
9. Bum Ticker
10. Hungry For Love
11. Roadkill
12. All Time Low
13. Nanook Of The

14. One Man's Trash
      Is Another Man's
15. Major Turnoff
16. Anyone I Know?
17. Bummin' Hard
18. (You're Not
      Playing Fair) Elise!
19. Spare Me The
20. Wishful Thinking
21. That's Not Polite
22. Without My
23. Lunch Time

      23 songs covering 22 years of recording and a lifetime of Rock 'n' Roll. This virtual Fountain of Youth has brought me back to every highlight of my life that has music connected to it's lineage. I was amazed that not only could I relive the past 22 years of my life within these 73 plus minutes but, the past 45 years of Rock 'n' Roll as well...
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Disclaimer Jessica's Attic -

Total Time: 57:29
Cost: $9.98 

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1. This The Force
2. Serpent
3. She Said
4. Abbey
5. Just A Little
6. No Mother's

7. Isle of Dreams
8. Angry Man
9. As Close To
     Every now and then something hits you when you least expect it. Gothic/ Deep Space/ Dance/ Spoken Word is how Jessica's Attic describes themselves. I personally do not care for any of those genres, To me this is 'Future Rock'. While the pundits will discuss and argue forever about the future of 21st century Rock, Jessica's Attic is making tomorrow's Rock today...
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Superprimered Emil Muzz - "Superprimered"

Total Time: 36:02
Cost: $8.98

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1998 IndepenDisc
of the Year!

1. Grip 17
2. Form Devastator
3. Trapped in
4. Polaris Mine

5. Radium
6. Missile
7. Lurge
8. Brownout
9. Choo Toy
10. Luv Lover
     For those of you who like your Rock "Straight up/Smash mouth" style, our second "Now Playing/Must Hear" Feature band for September is Emil Muzz. Hailing from Illinois with the CD "Superprimered" this Punk influenced, Grunge without the slacker mentality, Garage attitude of a Kick-Ass Rock 'N' Roll band pulls no punches...
Full Review       1998 IndepenDisc of the Year
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Last Revised: October 14, 2000.