Uncle Carl
Total Time: 40:36
Cost: $9.98 +s/h*

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STYLE: Jazzy, cool, mellow Blues
HOME TOWN: Brooklyn, NY
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Uncle Carl
Check out Uncle Carl's CD:
Bring Me Your Children |

© 1997 Sha-Shu Records
1. I'm Smokin' Again
2. Barber Shop Mass
3. No One To Hold
4. Peek-A-Boo
5. Big Daddy
6. I'm Too Tired
7. Daffodil
8. Old Man Gloom
9. God Has Retired
10. Holdin' My Baby's Hand |
Issue #17
Apr. '00 Parallel levels
exist so that we may enjoy the pleasures of life. So that we may experience arousal of
senses so distant, yet so keen. So that we may touch every possible beauty that can be
felt within the mind and soul of ourselves. And, so that we will not miss out on all the
subtle nuances of love.
We enter and exit parallel levels everyday of our life, yet few realize
they are there and squander opportunities to grab the brass ring of emotional fulfillment.
There are many ways to cross the threshold of parallel levels, common examples include;
movies, books, music, television, meditation, and religious inclinations, not to mention
hypnosis and psychosis, and/or conscious/subconscious/unconscious decisions and delusions.
How long our journey as we pass through is indeterminable - On parallel levels the trip
may not necessarily be completed upon conclusion.
Did I say
Music?..................excuse me,
"Excuse me." The bump of the #4 uptown subway train jostled
me slightly into the woman sitting next to me. I dropped Uncle Carl, the
self-titled disc by (Yes, I'm going to say it) Uncle Carl into the
discman. The doors slid open, I was up the steps and walking down the mainstream when an
odd character clenched his teeth as I passed and gave me a discreet "pssst". A
nod of his head towards the alley revealed a stone staircase descending along the side of
a brick and mortar building that towered into the night.
The soft flickering neon sign in the fogged window of the basement
coffeehouse/bar/cafe` immediately captured my attention as the smell of coffee, bourbon,
and opiates lured me closer to the warm glow radiating forth and carried aloft by a sweet
infectious jazz laced blues groove. "live music." I smiled.
Pulling up a stool, I ordered a bourbon and settled in. Uncle
Carl - Carl "Smokin' Again" Vreeland and his accompanying trio of
"stereotypical, quirky, idiosyncratic, narcissistic, self-indulgent, caffeine,
nicotine, alcohol addicted, love sick musicians" (as they put it) were laying down
their jazzy, cool, smooth blues sound.
Using a smoked ravaged mellow vocal that draws visions of beret
wearing, cool cat, "shoobie de wah wah", goatee'd beat poets (Uncle)Carl sang
tales of loneliness and heartbreak ("I'm Smokin' Again", "No
One To Hold", "Holdin' My Baby's Hand") against the backing
of the band who play with such dripping emotion and passion that it slices through your
conscious and reaches the places inside of you that are only acknowledged with great
reluctance, let alone revealed.
I ordered another bourbon as the babe across the bar flashed a wicked
smile that could span the country (let alone lure me to her room), she must've known which
astral plane Uncle Carl was heading for next, 'cause the band launched
into their coyly sly, slightly risqué, smartaleck musings on voyeurism ("Peek-A-Boo"), S&M ("Daffodil"), self gratification ("I'm
Too Tired"), and even religion ("God Has Retired"). No
subject too taboo, each song a joyful mix of slinky rhythms, tight leads, and soothing
hooks, bridges, and runs. I was at ease. I smiled.
Uncle Carl delivers a wonderful diversion of pure
music. A parallel level of immense pleasure. How can any one not smile as they glide along
on this smooth musical ride?
The self-titled "Uncle Carl" CD
is available now for: $9.98 +s/h*
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Music. Did I say Music?..................excuse me,
"Excuse me." The tilt of the Metro North train (which was
carrying me the 2 plus hours back to the IndepenDisc office) had knocked the woman
(holding a small dog no less) into the seat next to me with a thud. I smiled, then
disappeared, listening to the music as I recounted to myself the levels of my Brooklyn
The doors slid open, I was back. I was still smiling.
*Shipping & Handling charges:
USA - $3.00 for the first 2 CDs
Add $1.50 per each CD after.
Canada - $5.00 for the first CD ordered,
Add $2.00 per each CD after.
Everywhere else -$7.00 for the first CD ordered,
Add $3.00 per each CD after. |