a straight forward (12 month) timeline of
"What's New" here on the IndepenDisc web site:
Aug. 09, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 8th. broadcast ~
Mix-Tape Wednesday Vol. "8-Tracks"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Aug. 02, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 1st. broadcast ~
Years of August Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jul. 26, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jul. 25th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jul. 19, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jul. 18th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jul. 12, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jul. 11th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "Star"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jul. 10, 2012: Review Posted for Dig & Be Dug
by Daphne Lee Martin & Raise The Rent.
The Feature Disc for Jul.
Jul. 05, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jul. 4th broadcast ~
Years of July Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jul. 04, 2012: Dig & Be Dug
by Daphne Lee Martin & Raise The Rent
is the Feature Disc for Jul.
'12. Review to be posted shortly.
Jun. 28, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jun. 27th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jun. 22, 2012: Dig & Be Dug
by Daphne Lee Martin & Raise The Rent added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Jun. 21, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jun. 20th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jun. 20, 2012: The Last Record Party
by The Grimm Generation
Feature Disc for Jul.
'11. Review Finally posted!
Jun. 14, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jun. 13th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "Baby"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jun. 07, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jun. 6th broadcast ~
Years of June Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jun 06, 2012: Truman's Hat
by The Marble Tea
is the Feature Disc for Jun.
Review posted.
May 31, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc May 30th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
May 24, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc May 23rd. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
May 17, 2012: Wings of Gold
by Farewood is the Feature Disc for May
Review posted.
May 17, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc May 16th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "Flowers"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
May 10, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc May 9th broadcast ~
Years of May Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
May 09, 2012: Wings of Gold
by Farewood is the Feature Disc for May
Review to be posted.
May 03, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc May 2nd Daffodil Fest.
Wrap-up Show broadcast ~
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
May 01, 2012: Wings of Gold
by Farewood added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Apr. 26, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Apr. 19th Daffodil Fest.
Past & Present broadcast ~
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Apr. 19, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Apr. 18th All Daffodil Fest. broadcast ~
+ Mix-Tape
Wednesday Vol. "Past Daffodil Performers"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Apr. 12, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Apr. 11th broadcast ~
Years of April Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Apr. 05, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Apr. 4th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Mar. 29, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Mar. 28th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Mar. 22, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Mar. 21st broadcast ~
Day night!
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Mar. 15, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Mar. 14th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "SWAN Day 2012"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Mar. 14, 2012: Beekeeper Constellation
by Oxcart, the Feature Disc for Jul.
Review Finally posted!
Mar. 08, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Mar. 7th broadcast ~
Years of March Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Mar. 07, 2012: Boom Boom Room
by The Ivory Bills
is the Feature Disc for Mar.
Review posted.
Mar. 02, 2012: Boom Boom Room
by The Ivory Bills added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Mar. 01, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Feb. 29th broadcast ~
Day: Rarities, One-Offs, & Hidden Tracks
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Feb. 27, 2012:
Daffodill Festival (Apr. 28 - 29)
Stage by stage line up announced!!
Feb. 23, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Feb. 22nd. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Feb. 16, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Feb. 15th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Feb. 15, 2012: Believe In Sound
by The Thousand Pities the Feature Disc for Jun.
Review Finally posted!
Feb. 09, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Feb. 8th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "Title Tracks II"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Feb. 02, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Feb. 1st broadcast ~
Years of February Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Feb. 01, 2012: Rose Colored Glasses
by The Livesays
is the Feature Disc for Feb.
Review posted.
Jan. 26, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jan. 25th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jan. 19, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jan. 18th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jan. 12, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jan. 11th. broadcast.
Wednesday Vol. "Title Tracks"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jan. 09, 2012: Rose Colored Glasses
by The Livesays added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Jan. 05, 2012:
Radio IndepenDisc Jan. 4th broadcast ~
Years of January Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Jan. 03, 2012: A Real Nice Parade
by Hannah Cranna is the Feature Disc for Jan.
Review posted.
Dec. 31, 2011: Origins by Age Of Reason, the 2011 "IndepenDisc of the Year" -
Review (finally) posted!
Dec. 30, 2011: A Real Nice Parade
by Hannah Cranna added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Dec. 29, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Dec. 28th broadcast ~
"IndepenDisc of
Year" History
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Dec. 28, 2011: Origins by Age Of Reason
is named the 2011 "IndepenDisc of the Year"
Dec. 24, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Dec. 24th broadcast ~
IndepenDisc Spectacular Indie Christmas Music Extravaganza!
~ files
uploaded and available as a Stream or Download.
Dec. 22, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Dec. 21st. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Dec. 15, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Dec. 14th broadcast ~
Wednesday Vol. "Here"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Dec. 08, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Dec. 7th broadcast ~
Years of December Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Dec. 07, 2011: Green & Silver
by annabella is the Feature Disc for Dec.
Review posted.
Dec. 01, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Nov. 30th broadcast ~
Year in review
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Nov. 24, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Nov. 23rd broadcast ~
Bin Sampler (part 2)
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Nov. 22, 2011: Green & Silver
by annabella added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Nov. 17, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Nov. 16th broadcast ~
Bin Sampler (part 1)
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Nov. 10, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Nov. 9th broadcast ~
Mix-Tape Wednesday Vol.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Nov. 03, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Nov. 2nd broadcast
~ 14 Years of November Features
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Nov. 02, 2011: The Nevers
by Saint Bernadette
is the Feature Disc for Nov.
Review posted.
Oct. 27, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Oct. 26th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Oct. 20, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Oct 19th broadcast ~
Mix-Tape Wednesday Vol.
"Devils & Angels"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Oct. 13, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Oct 12th broadcast ~ 14 Years of October
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Oct. 06, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Oct. 5th broadcast
~ BirthDay
Bash Preview!
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Sept. 29, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Sept. 28th. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Sept. 22, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Sept. 21st. broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Sept. 15, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Sept. 14th broadcast
~ Mix-Tape Wed. Vol. "iCygnus"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Sept. 13, 2011: guest house
by Wells-Next-The-Sea
Second Saucer
are the Feature Discs for Sept.
'11. Wells-Next-The-Sea review posted.
Sept. 08, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Sept. 7th broadcast ~ 14 Years of Sept.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Sept. 07, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Sept. 1st ~ Special Morning Drive B'day Show!
uploaded and available as a Stream or Download.
Sept. 06, 2011: Second Saucer
guest house
by Wells-Next-The-Sea
are the Feature Discs for Sept.
'11. SAUCERS review posted.
Sept.. 04, 2010: IndepenDisc
13th Birthday Bash!! Announced!
Sept. 03, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 31st ~ 13th
Birthday Celebration Show!
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Aug. 25, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 24th broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Aug. 19, 2011: Second Saucer
by SAUCERS added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
Aug. 18, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 17th broadcast.
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Aug. 11, 2011:
Radio IndepenDisc Aug. 10th broadcast ~ Mix-Tape Wed. Vol. "Over"
~ files
uploaded and available as a Podcast, Stream or Download.
Aug. 09, 2011: guest house
by Wells-Next-The-Sea added,
to be Featured and reviewed shortly.
to us at;
