Age Of Reason
IndepenDisc of the Year !
Total Time: 53:09
Cost: $9.98 +s/h*

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STYLE: Frazz - Folk
/ Rock / Reggae / Jazz
New Haven / Prospect, CT.
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1. I'm Only Alive
2. Penny On The Ground
3. One More Sunrise
4. Can't
Take The Heat
5. Right Between The Eyes
6. Don't Hide Your Soul
7. Some Heads Are Flatter (than others)
8. All Come Marchin'
9. Candleflame
10. What's The Matter?
11. Liquid
12. Mom's Apple Pie
13. Somehow, The World Keeps Turning
out Age Of Reason's CDs:
Vox Humana
and Live at Studio 23
An exploration of
The modern day Age Of
Reason relaunched as a duo. Edward
Leonard (vocals, rhythm guitar, drums, percussion, and
words), and Dave DeVino (bass,
guitars, keyboards,
vocals, orchestration, percussion) 1st released Vox Humana in 2009. It was also arranged,
recorded, produced and
engineered by them in Dave’s Studio
In 2010 they added John Santarsiero
(bongos, congas, djembe, cymbals) to the mix, sat down and jammed.
Their 2nd
release, Acoustic And Live At Studio 23,
was the result. It reaffirmed the Shaman-esque fireside lessons in and
humanity which were sung about, foretold, and handed down through
that was the core of Vox Humana’s
appeal. If anything, Age Of Reason’s
socially conscious lyrics benefited from the duo/trio loose jam FRAZZ (Folk/Rock/Reggae/Jazz) stylings,
as it explored the roots/soul of everything’s origins.
Origins, the 3rd Age
Of Reason
release, celebrates exploring
ones roots/soul to further ones humanity. Jeff
Kadish (lead guitars, keyboards), from an earlier inception,
joined and
with some additional keyboards by Art
Karpt, Age Of Reason
broke out
of the coffeehouses and into the arenas/festivals in a big, big way.
With this
record Age Of Reason highlights the
moral fabric of our existence with a social conscious message all the
blowing our mind in epic proportion as in the most time honored days of
early arena/festival
I’m Only Alive establishes the sound as
familiar AOR, but when Jeff jumps
the organ up
we hear an AOR that has fully
developed into a premier band that harkens the purity of such Sha-men
as Jim
Morrison (and The Doors). Followed by the up-tempo Boston
style organ intro of Penny
On The Ground, with it’s
searing, classic, shredding-as-a-refined-art-form, guitar solo message
of; “It’s a cool
generation/Well, it’s a cruel
generation.” AOR
tries to open
our eyes to what surrounds us, what we are in regards to it, and to
wake our
awareness of understanding. One
More Sunrise gives us the same
perspective, but through a different sort of view. Gorgeous acoustic
work with
accompanying keyboards highlight the desire to live while questioning
why; “I can’t understand
my own apathy / When
there’s so much I can do.” With that
we’re launched into the Mothership –
Pure Funk – Rick James/Bootsy Collins era
Parliament/Funkadelic – Hot, Hot, Get
Down Hot – Can’t
Take The Heat sews it up as Edward lays
down a
tasty, Bowie style vocal while Jeff’s Prince-like soaring
guitar solo combines
with a classic Santana/Earth, Wind & Fire rhythmic percussion
and backbeat.
4 songs in and AOR is blowing our
minds in epic proportions while getting us to explore the roots/soul of
everything’s origins, and we love it.
What follows is a complete exercise and display of awesome
arena/festival rock a la’ Crosby,
Stills, Nash and Young/Santana
at Woodstock
(Don’t Hide
Your Soul, Candleflame)
and Van Halen/Black Sabbath/Deep Purple/Rush at any Coliseum (Right
Between The Eyes, All Come Marchin’, Mom’s Apple Pie).
Mixing songs diverse
in music to deliver messages that range from the critique of humanity
to the
hope and belief in it, from Booty Shakin’ rock (Some Heads Are Flatter [Than
Others], What’s The Matter) to a solemn
instrumental (Liquid
Oak), and the slightly off-kilter,
raising album closer (Somehow
the World Keeps Turning), AOR
reveals and revels in it’s origins, our origins, all
If we are to realize but one thing, it is that nature and
music will always persevere in ways that will forever blow our minds,
but if we
can, as human beings - fragile, and brief in our existence - contribute
to the
betterment of each (nature, music, humanity) through the exploration,
awareness, and understanding of our origins, well then maybe, just
maybe, we
will be able to persevere long enough to not only pay homage to our
but to embrace eternity with a smile.
Explore your origins
Explore all origins
Explore Origins by Age
Of Reason.
by Age Of Reason
is available now for: $9.98 + s/h*
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