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Jessica's Attic                                           The OutSkirts
Moss Browne - Wandering and Wondering

Issue #10                              Aug. '99

    Woodstock '99 -

    Ha! 4 weeks ago our own G.Gone's review of the Guinness Fleadh started with a spot-on commentary previewing this years version of the '69 festival. Read it for yourself here on our Tremens page. All we have to say is - After watching the video, listening to the audio, reading the reports, etc., etc. - What? We ask - What, were the promoters thinking? How dare they tarnish the legendary history by stealing the name for commercial purposes only. As G.Gone so aptly stated; They weren't interested in recreating the Peace, Love, and Harmony of the original, they were only interested in the MONEY - Plain and simple.

    By signing a slew of *RageRock* acts, they guaranteed themselves higher ticket sales by attracting the MetalHeads and FratBoys - A demographic known for their high levels of disposable income. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just don't sell it to us under the false guise of "Woodstock". A more fitting name would've been "RageFest". Now we're not knocking the bands (RageRock or not) that did play, and in fact there were a number of Artists who did hold the distinction of carrying on the "Woodstock" tradition. We're just a bit disturbed and disgusted by the motive (greed) of the promoters, as well as the actions of the crowd. But what's to be expected when the music that's presented is, by design, created to push the limits? How could you not expect it to spin out of control? As promoters, they let the glare of the green blind and corrupt their common sense.

    On the other hand, we here at IndepenDisc have been kicking back in the heat of these Dog Days of Summer and having our own little private Woodstock featuring:

    Moss Browne and their CD Wandering and Wondering.

    This 5 piece band out of Kentucky is not only heading up IndepenDisc's Woodstock, but would've fit in nicely with the Bands/Artists of the time in '69.

    The release of Wandering and Wondering on Rasselas Records, home of The OutSkirts, featured in our June '99 Issue, shows these rockers covering all the territory of Southern Rock through the hippie stylings of the late 60s/early 70s right up to the Alt.Country movement of today. With the spirit of Lowell George and Little Feat, the talent of The Allman Brothers, the craftsmanship of Traffic, the harmonies and feel of Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, the funk of Santana, the rowdiness of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the aura of Blind Melon, the groove of the Dead, and the diversity & attitude of Neil Young, Moss Browne delivers.

    Check out the song clips for Final Plea and 18 Miles, marvel at the wonderful construction of these controlled jamfests. Musically and spiritually fulfilling; they are great examples of the type of gems that make up this solid disc. From beginning to end each song stands on its own as they flow forth inviting you to sing and groove along in a state of peace, love, and harmony that would do the Woodstock generation proud.

    It's been said that Woodstock can never be repeated, and we agree with that. But, here (hear) Moss Browne will get you as close to1969 as you can be. Relax, mellow out, put on Wandering and Wondering and experience the beauty of the music as 30 years melt into the future.

    It's time we got ourselves back to the garden with:

Moss Browne - Wandering and Wondering
now available on CD for:
$10.98 + s/h*
$7.98 + s/h*

Click to order      View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout

*Shipping & Handling charges:
USA - $3.00 for the first 2 CDs ordered,
                     Add $1.50 per each CD after.
Canada - $5.00 for the first CD ordered,
                          Add $2.00 per each CD after.
Everywhere else -$7.00 for the first CD ordered,
                                        Add $3.00 per each CD after.

Go To Top      Jessica's Attic     The OutSkirts

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