1. I'll Be There For You
2. Little HMO
3. Failing
4. The Hammertoe
5. Those Were The Shi(f)ts
6. Senseless
7. I'll Never Sleep Tonight
8. Don't You Cry
9. Giving The Anesthesia
10. Your
Bill Isn't Right
11. Jessie's Job
12. Ultane
The long awaited 2nd Album by The
is finally here! If you're even a little bit medically inclined, you'll
appreciate the
humor found on Paradise.
are a group of five nurse anesthetists that take classic and current
songs that everyone
knows, and twists the lyrics to create parodies of the operating room,
anesthesia, and
anything else they can get their hands on.
The group has
been around for over 10 years and has performed at conferences and
meetings across the
country. Well-known throughout the anesthesia community, The
Laryngospasms derive much of
their humor from suggestions sent in from others that work in the OR,
as well as from
everyday occurences in their own lives.
out The Laryngospasms write up on the AANA
Web Site.
The Laryngospasms
- Paradise
available now for: $13.98 + s/h*
Shopping Cart / Checkout Accepting Credit Cards and PayPal
& Handling charges: USA - $3.00
for the first 2 CDs
Add $1.50 per each CD after. Canada - $5.00 for the
first CD ordered,
Add $2.00 per each CD after. Everywhere else -$7.00
for the first CD ordered,
Add $3.00 per each CD after.