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The Furors Tribute - Let's Get Furious                                                               Gravity Jacket

The Grape Street Pub
Volume Two
(2 CD compilation)

STYLE: Independent mix:
    Pop, Rock, Jam, Funk,
    Reggae, Triple A, Alt.,
    Hip Hop Groove,
    Singer/Songwriter, more...

            Philadelphia, PA

Visit the Grape Street Pub
                                WEB SITE

The Grape Street Pub

Disc #1 - The Vibe
                                        Time: 73:03
1. Granian - Whole Again
 2. The Freakin' Cads -
 3. Stargazer Lily -
       Middle Of America
 4. Ben Arnold - Blacklight
 5. Pepper's Ghost -
        Heavy Body Bag
 6. Antigone Rising -
        Run For Your Life
 7. Jim Boggia - O/P
 8. Princes Of Babylon - Babylon
 9. The Blue Method -
        First Plan Of Redemption
10. K-Floor - Will I Stay
11. The Argument - Inflatable Amy
12. The Grundles - Better Than Him
13. Kelly Bell Band -
        Ain't Like It Used To Be
14. Alfred James Band - Lighthouse
15. Phadism - Johanna
16. Stiltwalker - Rally
17. Jack Light Move -
        My Heart Is Wandering
18. Giant Sequoia -
        The Hole You're In

The Grape Street Pub - Volume Two
Total Time: 2:20:18
Cost: $9.98 +s/h*

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Accepting Credit Cards and PayPal

Read Our Review

Disc #2 - The Drive            
                                            Time: 67:15
 1. Silvertide - Blue Jeans
 2. Laughing Colors -
        Roll Into The Light
 3. Laura Mann - Laughing At Myself
 4. James Pace Band - Where You Go
 5. The Mighty O.V. - Hollywood
 6. Tapping The Vein - Crushing
 7. Down Circle Back - Out
 8. The Red King - I Hope
 9. Transistor Rodeo -
        Cutting It In Two
10. Poppy Cock Babble - Push
11. The Mudhens - A Whole Lot Better
12. The Usual - Sitting On The Wall
13. Carfax Abbey - Perfect
14. Sole Vehicle - Taste Of Her
15. Seeking Homer - Horses Running
16. Axum - Sign Here
17. Panel - 435
18. In The Grey - Venus


ISSUE #39                             July '02

2 CDs, 36 Artists, 36 Songs, 10 bucks.
What more do you need to know?

Volume Two released by The Grape Street Pub, one of Philadelphia’s premier live music venues, is THE musical soundtrack for the summer, and beyond!

You don’t need to waste your money on the current crop of Corporate contrived movie releases. Put on Volume Two, hit play and let these artists show you a good time. It’s a straight up, pedal to the metal, Rock the house, top down, cruise the strip, blast the groove, get down and party fun fest in a jewel case.

With 36 different songs/styles there’s something here for everybody – The set is broken down into “The Vibe” CD & “The Drive” CD – both accomplishing their mission to entertain. The Vibe CD grooves along with such a roll that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, it’ll soon have your feet moving to shuffle inducing grooves – the likes of which can be found in the Reggae jammin’ of Prince Of Babylon (Babylon), the mondo hooky Alt. Rock of The Grundles (Better Than Him), plus, the low simmer and soaring reaches of Triple A artists Ben Arnold (Blacklight) and Jim Boggia (O/P) respectively. The smokin’ Alt. Blues of K-Floor (Will I Stay) ignites the center of this set with an electric Funk that compliments The Blue Method (First Plan Of Redemption) who rip it up with a Neo Soul revivalist sermon that’ll turn anyone into a disciple. Also, along with the stunning vocals of Stargazer Lily (Middle Of America) and the They Might Be Giants – Ben Folds morph of The Argument (Inflatable Amy) you’ll find the best Little Feat resurrection since the passing of Lowell George, namely the Kelly Bell Band (Ain’t Like It Used To Be). And, that’s just dropping a mention of half the CD – so, can you see what you’re getting here? How can it get any better than this? With Disc 2 of course…

The Drive” (CD 2) picks up where Disc 1 leaves off. After setting you up with a good time groove feel, The Vibe (CD 1) delivers you into the hands of The Drive, which then does as it says and Drives the Rockin’ good times home with a harder edge that’ll have the speakers screaming as the summer blisters away.

Silvertide (Blue Jeans) opens the 2nd CD with driving hard rock that should be all over the now “Modern Rock” format radio, along with the mosh creating, sinister industrial sounds of Carfax Abbey (Perfect), the rip it up, classic-dinosaur guitar rock of Poppy Cock Babble (Push), and the sleekly produced, flat out Alt. Rock of DownCircleBack (Out). But not all of The Drive CD puts the harder edge of the music first, we also find plenty of vocal intense selections wrapped around a few more distinct musical presentations – take notice of the talented singers on hand within the Melodic pop rock of Laura Mann (Laughing At Myself - w/Vernon Reid), the hard-cut, goth-edge of Tapping The Vein (Crushing), the jammy stylings of Seeking Homer (Horses Running) and the hypnotic grace of The Mudhens (A Whole Lot Better) and you’ll see why Volume Two has become a banner CD that we here at IndepenDisc are proudly flying high.

Unfortunately, we have not had the opportunity to visit The Grape Street Pub, housed at 105 Grape Street in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia, PA but, we think if we ever do, we may end up never leaving - for it already feels like a home away from home. The Grape Street Pub embraces everything IndepenDisc stands for and supports: Brothers in arms for the spreading of the Indie music word.

We at IndepenDisc had/have a fond affection for the “Exposed” double LP sampler series released by CBS Records in the early 80’s, years later in the late ‘90’s IndepenDisc was born of an Independent complication CD (Burner – released by Home Office Records – IMC ‘Zine #1 Sept. ’98 ), now as another decade takes shape we are extremely delighted to welcome Volume Two from The Grape Street Pub into our universe.

Forget the Corporate summer movie blockbuster soundtrack push, it’s been designed to get into your pockets. We have your Summer (and beyond) soundtrack right here – even if you can’t get to Philly – and it’s been designed to get into your life.

2 CDs, 36 Artists, 36 Songs, 10 bucks.
What more do you need to know?

The Grape Street Pub - "Volume Two" 2 CD Compilation
available for: $9.98 +s/h*
click to order    View Shopping Cart  /  Checkout
Accepting Credit Cards and PayPal

*Shipping & Handling charges:
USA - $3.00 for the first 2 CDs ordered,
                     Add $1.50 per each CD after.
Canada - $5.00 for the first CD ordered,
                          Add $2.00 per each CD after.
Everywhere else -$7.00 for the first CD ordered,
                                        Add $3.00 per each CD after.

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